Needless to add another little drawing made .... Who reads me will already know that today was a day of *****. Popale you say, if I bring beak little thing there instead of a dog? But if I stop near a tree will do the Bisognin, or gets me the urge to do it?!?! :)
I thought about not writing anything until Saturday, but since Elle passed me a meme .... Mo respond.
daily ... My three fears.
1. Well, since the last period to the course ... we place this video that sums up the problem. Look to the end .... So even if you do not understand English is clear to the limit ... I tell you the punch line on request!
2. I hate it when they are outdoors in the summer wasps, hornets and pinch stuff ..... bees less because if the fan noise is not nothing ... but the others mentioned .. Ah well ... I stan mosquitoes on balls!
3. when I'm surrounded by stupid people take me anxiety. In London I found myself in the middle 2 times in brawls in public places (randomly) between groups disbanded. ... So now m'è taking anxiety.
Oh well .... Now I greet you who are tired. ... I wanted to put a video to describe how I feel tonight ... ... a nice Mozart's Requiem. But then I am that I came across this one withdrew on the sprite that is in me. ... Very inside of me now .... Almost gone but the flame still there. ... But who knows how long ....
know this works? Who wins .... Win a meme:)
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